Life is filled with those little situations that happen unexpectantly...like little Gunnar (left) here. When this little man gazed into the toy box, he saw lots of things he knew would make him happy to touch, to hold, and...like all little ones...to taste. However when he reached in the toy box, he got an unexpected surprise. I call these unexpected surprises "Life's Little Situations."
I'm proud of my sons. They fill me with excitement as I watch their lives unfold. They know how to enjoy the simple things in life, and they are becoming quite skilled at handling Life's Little Situations. I honor them for their love and wisdom.
But even as proud of them as I am, I sometimes look into the toy box myself and dream of the days when they were Gunnar's age, of when I could pick them up and hold them close, of when they would lay their little heads on my shoulder and fall asleep, and of when their Life's Little Surprises were as inconsequential as falling into the toy box.