Friday, December 31, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Season 2010

His first holiday season...2010.

He is growing quickly. Everyday his list of new experiences grows longer. His future is bright and ever present before him.

I miss him badly. I long to hold him in my arms and beam with pride as I tell the world, "This is my grandson."

I want to see his eyes as he gazes on the beauty of a Christmas Tree or rips open the wrapping of a present. I want to laugh as he smiles. I want to experience the holiday season beside him.

I love and miss you, John Michael.

P.S. I love and miss his mommy and daddy too.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Just want to say "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" to everyone. I hope your holiday is filled with family, food, and fun.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Grandfather is Born


Just the word itself brings to mind images of old men with wrinkled faces, white hair, and a stained beard. Maybe your image has the old man sitting on the front porch of an old, tar-paper house smoking a pipe and gazing into the distant sunset. Perhaps Grandfather brings to your mind a young Native American sitting at the feet of one of the ancient tribe members listing to a tale of history.

As a small child, I never dreamed of one day being a Grandfather. Now I am one. I just hope I can live up to the name.

Monday, November 1, 2010

VOTE for John Michael

When John Michael was born, he automatically owed the government over $38,000 and rising. Tomorrow on Election Day, I ask you to please not put a greater burden on John Michael than he can bear. As Fathers and Sons we differ politically, and that is okay. But surely we can be united on Free Markets, Fiscal Responsibility, and Constitutionally Smaller Government.

As for me? Don't worry, John Michael, I'm voting to get you out of debt.

Monday, October 25, 2010

He is just sooooo cute!

It is amazing how cool it is to have a grandson. For the first time in my life, I understand what people mean when they say, "If I had known grandkids were so much fun, I would have had them first."

Sunday, July 11, 2010


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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life's Little Situations

Life is filled with those little situations that happen little Gunnar (left) here. When this little man gazed into the toy box, he saw lots of things he knew would make him happy to touch, to hold, all little taste. However when he reached in the toy box, he got an unexpected surprise. I call these unexpected surprises "Life's Little Situations."

I'm proud of my sons. They fill me with excitement as I watch their lives unfold. They know how to enjoy the simple things in life, and they are becoming quite skilled at handling Life's Little Situations. I honor them for their love and wisdom.

But even as proud of them as I am, I sometimes look into the toy box myself and dream of the days when they were Gunnar's age, of when I could pick them up and hold them close, of when they would lay their little heads on my shoulder and fall asleep, and of when their Life's Little Surprises were as inconsequential as falling into the toy box.

Monday, March 22, 2010


It is hard for parents to watch someone inflict pain on one of their children! Here is a picture of a man shooting my youngest son with a Tazer. While I know it was part of his job as a Correction's Officer in Tazer training to be shot with one, it is still hard for me to see it. I guess that is why the picture taker hid the shooter's keep 'ol DaD from coming down south and kickin some SC booty. :-)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Snow and ice all day yesterday, through the night, and for a few hours today.  Got a layer of ice beneath, 3-5 inches today, and a layer of ice on top.  It’s nice!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby Mustain

Baby Mustain,
You are still in your mommy’s womb growing and developing. So far, you have made it difficult for us to see if you are a boy or a girl. You just will not turn the right way during the ultrasound. Maybe you are trying to surprise us all. Nevertheless, even as you are becoming who you are, I want you to know a few things.
First, we love you. We do not know your name, your sex, your hair or eye color; we do not know how tall you will be. We do not know much of anything about you yet. However, we love you dearly, and we will always love you.
Second, you are God’s answer to our prayers. Your entire family has been praying about you for a long time. Your mom and dad have thought about you, talked about you, and planned for you. At one point, we were not sure you were even going to come along. God, in His wisdom and divine love, has finally given you to us.
Finally, I know your attention span is still pretty short so I will not write you a book here. You do not have to be afraid. The world you are coming into can be a scary place. There are people who are fighting with each other, wars, earthquakes, tornados, forest fires, and hurricanes. These kinds of things are even scary for adults. However, Baby Mustain, you are wrapped in your family’s arms and God’s arms. We will hold you and protect you. We will lead you and guide you. WE WILL BE THERE FOR YOU!
So, keep on growing and don’t kick mommy too hard. We will see you in the summer.
I love you,